

The development objective of the FSRP is to increase preparedness against food insecurity and improve the resilience of food system stakeholders, priority landscapes and value chains in the programme’s target areas in Burkina Faso. The PRSF in Burkina Faso is implemented in 7 regions: (i) Boucle du Mouhoun; (ii) Hauts-Bassins; (iii) Est; (iv) Centre-Est; (v) Nord; (vi) Centre-Ouest; and (vii) Centre-Sud. Given the cross-border nature of these intervention areas, priority is given to actions along trade corridors and in cross-border areas that favour trade, in line with the regional perspective of the PRSF.

Food system stakeholders accessing hydro and agrometeorological advisory services75.000
Producers adopting climate-smart agricultural technologies and services500.000 (40%)
Area under integrated landscape management practices in ha26.160
Share of production traded intra-regionally in certain value chains (maize, cowpeas, vegetables)30%
Farmer satisfaction with access to usable weather, climate and farm advisory services80%
Technologies made available to farmers by the NCoS consortium, the CGIAR and other international research institutes6
Percentage of nutrition-sensitive technologies30%
Selected sub-projects in integrated landscape management plans with climate resilience measures implemented70%
Private sector players involved in regional agricultural trade who are supported by the Programme50
Number of women farmers who received goods or services to improve marketing in the selected value chains12.500
Beneficiaries satisfied with Programme interventions80%
Grievances recorded and resolved by the programme100%

The priority sectors taken into account in the implementation of the FSRP in Burkina Faso are: cowpea, maize and market gardening. The FSRP focuses on upstream and downstream segments to increase the supply and quality of agricultural products. It will also add value to sustainable food and nutrition security and should have a tangible positive impact on regional food security and trade.

Component 1

– Facilitating access to agro-meteorological services for 61,600 farmers in the programme area, in collaboration with ANAM-BF and the Hydromet project;

– The provision of reliable information on food security, nutrition and vulnerability through the development of two strategic orientation documents: PA-SISA, PNOCSUR;

– The signing of a partnership agreement between UJKZ and a mobile telephone operator, and the renewal of the agreement with ARCEP for the implementation of TOP RAINCELL technology;

– Capacity-building for 324 people in the food security system (SAP, SE-CNSA)

Component 2:

-The identification of 08 priority research themes on LFs, which have been the subject of 30 doctoral theses and 40 master’s degrees;

-The development of 03 priority research projects in the mango, onion and tomato sectors;

-The dissemination of 14 technologies through training sessions and farmer field schools for the benefit of 10,028 farmers, 31% of whom are women;

– Ploughing of 1,000 ha of lowlands for the benefit of 2,636 farmers, 52.6% of whom are women;

– The provision of 9,000 tonnes of fertiliser under a co-financing mechanism to 239,878 farmers, 33.16% of whom were women and 5% internally displaced persons;

– Training for 12,174 producers, 31% of whom are women, on various topics

Component 3:

– The establishment of the Burkina Faso Rice Observatory (ONARIZ-BF), the Board of Directors was installed on 17 November 2023;

– Publication of 1,000 copies of the national storage strategy and food security reserves and its distribution to stakeholders in the system (2 workshops held, attended by 124 people);

– Development of national aflatoxin standards for maize and sorghum.

Manager : Salif TENTIKA, National Coordinator of the FSRP Burkina Faso

Address : Mohammar El Kadahfi Ouaga 2000, Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso 



Le FSRP est une approche programmatique qui vise à accroître la productivité agricole grâce des pratiques climato-intelligentes tout en promouvant les chaînes de valeur agricoles et le commerce intra-régional. 

  • The FSRP is a programmatic approach that aims to increase agricultural productivity through climate-smart practices while promoting agricultural value chains and intra-regional trade.

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