

– Implementation of the ECOWAS Agricultural Trade and Market Scoreboard (EATM-S) mechanism

– Support for the West Africa Rice Observatory

– Harmonisation of regional agricultural trade policies on critical food system resilience issues

– Support to ECOWAS multi-stakeholder policy dialogue and consultation

– Support to the Regional Food Security Reserve (RRSA)

– Improving the organisation and financing of value chains

– Promoting agricultural competitiveness and market infrastructure

– Strengthening multi-stakeholder coordination and promoting an enabling environment for the private sector

– Programme coordination and management (monitoring and evaluation, communication, environmental protection, financial management, etc.)

– At least 30% of production traded intra-regionally in the selected value chains, i.e. a 10% increase

– Establishment of a platform to serve as an observatory for intra-regional trade

– 3,653,000 vulnerable people to be supported (for 1 month) by the Regional Food Security Reserve (RFSR)

– 600 private sector players involved in regional agricultural trade supported by the programme

– 158,250 women farmers receiving goods or services to improve marketing in the selected value chains 

– 80% Percentage of beneficiaries satisfied with programme interventions (%)

– 90% Percentage of complaints recorded and dealt with by the programme

– A harmonized guide for risk-based food safety inspection and decision-making in the ECOWAS and Sahel region removes technical barriers to the application of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures at borders

– Advocacy with SPS stakeholders in Burkina Faso for mutual recognition of the harmonised SPS certificate at borders has resolved certain bottlenecks, particularly at the border between Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire.

– Support for the creation of national sections of the ECOWAS Regional Rice Observatory (ERO) in Burkina Faso and Togo. Burkina Faso has successfully finalised the establishment of its national ERO section. Previously, Ghana and Sierra Leone have also established their national sections.

– A regional rice working group has been set up to coordinate and promote synergies in the rice sector.

– Training for trainers on the ECOWAS Trade Liberalisation Scheme (ETLS), on the New Rules of Origin and the transit system, has been organised for 7 ECOWAS countries (Mali, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Nigeria and Benin).

– Capacity-building for the Regional Trade Facilitation Committee with a view to removing obstacles to trade in agro-sylvo-pastoral products identified in the Member States, by co-financing its annual consultation meeting.

– Support to six (6) regional inter-professions to draw up their action plans

– Support for the governance and monitoring-evaluation of the ECOWAS Regional Food Security Reserve (RFSR). In this respect, it should be noted that the capacity of the RFSR was increased in 2023 with prospects for improvement. In fact, 3 178 000 vulnerable people can be cared for 1 month in the region.

Manager : Dr Maty BA-DIAO, FSRP Regional Coordinator

Address : Agence régionale pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation (ARAA)

4ème et 5ème Étages, Immeuble de la CRBC, 

Place de la Réconciliation, Quartier Atchanté

01 BP 4817 Lomé 01, Togo 

Téléphone : +228 22 21 40 03,

Courriel : araa@araa.org,

Site Web : www.araa.org



Le FSRP est une approche programmatique qui vise à accroître la productivité agricole grâce des pratiques climato-intelligentes tout en promouvant les chaînes de valeur agricoles et le commerce intra-régional. 

  • The FSRP is a programmatic approach that aims to increase agricultural productivity through climate-smart practices while promoting agricultural value chains and intra-regional trade.

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    • Agence régionale pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation (ARAA), 4ème et 5ème Étages, Immeuble de la CRBC, Place de la Réconciliation, Quartier Atchanté
    • +228 22 21 40 03
    • fsrp@araa.org

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