

ECOWAS FSRP grief management mechanism (GMM) aims to provide an operational, rapid, efficient, participatory and accessible griefs registration and management system for all stakeholders, and which makes it possible to prevent or resolve complaints. discrepancies/harms and conflicts through negotiation and dialogue with a view to an amicable settlement.

One of its main objectives is to avoid resorting to the judicial system and to seek an amicable solution in as many situations as possible, thus preserving the interest of the complainants and the image of the project by limiting the risks inevitably associated with a lawsuit.

This mechanism does not claim to be a mandatory prerequisite, even less to replace legal channels for managing complaints and conflicts. However, it ensures that concerns/complaints coming from stakeholders and related to Project activities are promptly listened to, analyzed, processed and documented in order to detect the causes, take corrective actions and avoid injustice or discrimination. and an aggravation that goes beyond the control of the project.

It allows, among other things:

  • Strengthen democracy and respect for the rights and benefits of project stakeholders;
  • Minimize and eradicate conflicts and complaints as part of the preparation and implementation of component 3.1 activities;
  • Provide the Project with suggestions for proper implementation of the project’s resettlement activities;
  • Document complaints or abuses of various natures (aspects of governance, exploitation, abuse and harassment and sexual abuse, risk of exclusion of beneficiaries from the opportunities offered by the project and the ineffectiveness of the quality of services offered to beneficiaries) noted in order to enable implementation partners to respond;
  • Establish a transparent framework for collecting and handling grievances and suggestions from stakeholders during all phases of the project. ;
  • Promote dialogue and fair communication with project stakeholders.

A definitive institutional and organizational structure accessible from all points of view to potential complainants was put in place before the start of project activities.

The process of establishing the Grievance Management Mechanism was transparent, participatory, accessible and inclusive. It involves all institutional stakeholders and the ECOWAS FSRP PMU. This mechanism will take into account the different types of complaints and their level of sensitivity.

Sensitive grievance such as those related to GBV will be handled using procedures consistent with international guidelines, will be confidential and survivor-centered.

Dissemination sessions of the GMC document will be organized for the various stakeholders of the ECOWAS FSRP. These information sharing sessions will take into account the levels of organizational and institutional structuring of ECOWAS.

The GMC bodies will be put in place and the GMC must be operational before the start of project interventions in order to facilitate the functionality of the Mechanism. Likewise, the actors involved in the complaint processing chain must be known and trained in their mission.


Members of GMC of RAAF



Last name and First Name


Abdoulaye BANE


 Gaoussou DIARRA

Communications Officer

Carine SOMÉ

GBV Focal Point

Georgette AGUIDI



Any person with grievances or suggestions for improvement in the context of the implementation of the FSRP at RAAF can contact the Grievance Management Committee through the means mentioned below, in order to have their grievance satisfied.

Who can file a grievance?

Are authorized to formulate grievances:

– All ARAA/ECOWAS staffs

– The beneficiaries of the FSRP project

– All stakeholders in the implementation of the FSRP including private providers.


Responsable :

Adresse : 



Le FSRP est une approche programmatique qui vise à accroître la productivité agricole grâce des pratiques climato-intelligentes tout en promouvant les chaînes de valeur agricoles et le commerce intra-régional. 

  • The FSRP is a programmatic approach that aims to increase agricultural productivity through climate-smart practices while promoting agricultural value chains and intra-regional trade.

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    • +228 22 21 40 03
    • fsrp@araa.org

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