
Component 5 – Programme Management

This component ensures the implementation of the following key activities: (i) financial management and procurement systems; (ii) reporting on programme activities; (iii) environmental and social safeguards; (iv) monitoring and evaluation at regional and country levels; and (v) knowledge management and communication for development strategy. There is also a strategy to target youth, gender and nutrition. This component is managed by ECOWAS.




Area 1: Digital advisory services for the prevention and management of agricultural and food crises

The FSRP under this area aims to address vulnerabilities to climate change and reduce risks by improving monitoring, forecasting and hydrometric services. Operationally, this involves: (i) improving decision-support systems with demand-driven information services in order to increase the effectiveness of agricultural and food crisis prevention and management, by integrating data and taking advantage of science, innovation and cutting-edge technologies; and (ii) strengthening regional capacity and institutional sustainability, as well as the ability to adapt to climate change.


Area 2: Sustainability and adaptability of the productive base of the food system

The FSRP in this area aims to improve the resilience of the productive base of the food system and contribute directly while ensuring : (i) strengthen national and regional agricultural research systems; (ii) strengthen the policy environment for landscape governance (inclusive multi-sectoral policies and regulations to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation); and (iii) strengthen landscape units (LUs) under integrated management capable of sustainably achieving multiple objectives (food production, provision of ecosystem services, biodiversity protection and improved local livelihoods).


Area 3: Integration of regional food markets and trade.

Under this intervention area, the FSRP aims to facilitate trade in agricultural goods and inputs within and across national borders in West Africa. FSRP will serve as a low-carbon climate adaptation mechanism, balancing food production across the spatial volatility of intra-regional production induced by climate change and increasing the pace of response to these climate-induced food shortages. Operationally, the aim is to contribute to (i) increasing intra-regional food trade between surplus and deficit areas; and (ii) increasing value creation in regional priority value chains.



Le FSRP est une approche programmatique qui vise à accroître la productivité agricole grâce des pratiques climato-intelligentes tout en promouvant les chaînes de valeur agricoles et le commerce intra-régional. 

  • The FSRP is a programmatic approach that aims to increase agricultural productivity through climate-smart practices while promoting agricultural value chains and intra-regional trade.

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      08.00 . – 18.00
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    • +228 22 21 40 03
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