
As part of the FSRP’s performance management, a robust monitoring and evaluation system has been put in place to ensure sufficient evidence-based accountability, as well as collective learning to enable the scaling-up of good practices identified in its implementation.

This M&E system enables the FSRP to: (i) monitor the implementation of activities at national and regional levels; (ii) coordinate the collection of information at national and regional levels to enable PRSP stakeholders and supervisors to make evidence-based decisions in real time; (iii) evaluate the results of the project; (iv) promote transparency and efficiency while capitalising on and disseminating lessons learned; (v) produce data that can be used in periodic communication campaigns aimed at project stakeholders (beneficiaries, implementing operators, national and regional institutions, technical and financial partners) and the general public.

Two IT tools (MESECOPS and KoboToolbox) are used simultaneously to collect, process, analyse and share information at national and regional levels. The system is accessible online to allow decentralised access for data entry, consultation and secure access at any time.

Key target indicators for phases 1 and 2 :

Ultimate impact

– 25% reduction in the number of food-insecure people in the areas targeted by the programme

– Around 5 million programme beneficiaries (farmers reached by agricultural assets or services), 40% of whom are women 


  • At least 906,000 food system stakeholders with access to hydro and agrometeorological advisory services

o 80% of farmers with access to usable weather, climate and agricultural advisory services, satisfied;

o Improved access to local climate information services through digital information platforms

o 14 agreements involving the co-production of agro-hydro-meteorological services between the public and private sectors

  • More than 117,000 ha of land under integrated landscape management practices


  • At least 1.8 million producers adopting climate-smart agricultural technologies and services

o 108 Technologies (including 30 nutrition-sensitive) made available to farmers by the NCoS consortium, CGIAR and other international research institutes

o 70% of sub-projects selected as part of integrated landscape management plans and for which climate change resilience measures have been implemented;

o Establishment of an operational Spatial Information System to design and plan climate-resilient land management practices.

  • At least 30% of production traded intra-regionally in selected value chains, i.e. 10% increase;
  • Establishment of a platform to serve as an observatory for intra-regional trade
  • 3,653,000 vulnerable people to be supported (for 1 month) by the Regional Food Security Reserve (RRSA°)
  • 600 private sector players involved in regional agricultural trade supported by the programme
  • 158,250 women farmers receiving goods or services to improve marketing in the selected value chains
  • 80% Percentage of beneficiaries satisfied with programme interventions
  • 90% Percentage of complaints recorded and handled by the programme



Le FSRP est une approche programmatique qui vise à accroître la productivité agricole grâce des pratiques climato-intelligentes tout en promouvant les chaînes de valeur agricoles et le commerce intra-régional. 

  • The FSRP is a programmatic approach that aims to increase agricultural productivity through climate-smart practices while promoting agricultural value chains and intra-regional trade.

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      08.00 . – 18.00
    • Agence régionale pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation (ARAA), 4ème et 5ème Étages, Immeuble de la CRBC, Place de la Réconciliation, Quartier Atchanté
    • +228 22 21 40 03
    • fsrp@araa.org

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