

The development objective of the FSRP is to increase preparedness against food insecurity and improve the resilience of food system stakeholders, priority landscapes and value chains in the programme’s target areas in Niger.

 The FSRP in Niger is being implemented in 4 regions: (i) Tillaberi, (ii) Tahoua, (iii) Diffa, and (iv) Zinder. Within these four regions, investments will be concentrated in 32 municipalities.

Food system stakeholders accessing hydro and agrometeorological advisory services250.000
Producers adopting climate-smart agricultural technologies and services600.000 (40%)
Area under integrated landscape management practices in ha32.800
Share of production traded intra-regionally in certain value chains (cowpeas, onions/scallions)30%
Farmer satisfaction with access to usable weather, climate and farm advisory services80%
Technologies made available to farmers by the NCoS consortium, the CGIAR and other international research institutes8
Percentage of nutrition-sensitive technologies30%
Area with improved irrigation or drainage services (CRI, Ha)780
Implementation of selected sub-projects in integrated landscape management plans70%
Private sector players involved in regional agricultural trade who are supported by the Programme50
Number of women farmers who received goods or services to improve marketing in the selected value chains7.000
Beneficiaries satisfied with Programme interventions80%
Grievances recorded and resolved by the programme100%

The Niger FSRP focuses on three priority value chains (cowpea, onions/scallions and livestock). Activities will focus on removing barriers to intra-regional cross-border trade in food inputs and commodities, strengthening the relevant regional institutions responsible for leading and coordinating regional market integration, and strengthening regional and national mechanisms for managing food reserves.

Component 1

– 71,738 farmers (29% women) had access to remote agricultural advice, mainly through RECA’s e-extension system;

– A framework agreement signed between the National Meteorological Department (DMN) and the Niger Chambers of Agriculture Network (RECA) for the co-production and dissemination of agro-hydrometeorological information.

-2 Sessions of the Harmonised Framework held with the contribution of the FSRP: 276 191 food insecure people (P:3-5) identified in the FSRP zone at the November session

-57 local early warning structures (14 OSV and 43 SCAP-RU) strengthened in the field (327 villages covered)

– Technical and institutional diagnosis of the national agricultural advisory system, together with an action plan.

Component 2

– 4 NGOs recruited to carry out GIP planning

– 3 laboratories of the CRS-EL Implementing Agencies (LANA, LIA, LABOCEL) provided with additional equipment by the FSRP to improve their performance: Animal Health, Breed Improvement, Animal Feed

– 294 ha of degraded land treated by anti-erosion works

– Input support for producers: 107 tonnes of improved seed (maize, cowpea and millet) made available to 9,383 households, 9% of which are women

– Community seed production (millet and cowpea) on 160 ha

Component 3

– Internalisation of the national rice development strategy (SNDR) followed by the setting up of regional rice value chain committees;

– 50 women and young people trained in the seed value chain (Seeds Business)

Manager : Moussa AMADOU, National Coordinator of the FSRP Niger

Address : BP : 11 884  Niamey Niger – Telephone: +227 20 34 02 50



Le FSRP est une approche programmatique qui vise à accroître la productivité agricole grâce des pratiques climato-intelligentes tout en promouvant les chaînes de valeur agricoles et le commerce intra-régional. 

  • The FSRP is a programmatic approach that aims to increase agricultural productivity through climate-smart practices while promoting agricultural value chains and intra-regional trade.

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