Raising awareness among RAAF staff on the prevention of GBV and EAS/HS
The fight against gender-based violence (GBV), sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH) is taking on a new dimension within the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (RAAF). From 9 to 10 July 2024, Ms Assétou KABORE, a specialist in the prevention and mitigation of the risks of GBV/EAS/HS, conducted information and awareness-raising sessions in Lomé, as part of the implementation of the West Africa Food System Resilience Programme (FSRP).
Ms KABORE’s technical support was part of the general implementation of the World Bank’s Good Practice Note and Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). The implementation of the FSRP triggers NES1, NES2, NES5 and NES n°10 among others. Triggering these standards requires the development of instruments such as the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Labour Force Management Plan (LFMP), the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and the Stakeholder Mobilisation Plan (SPMP). Each of these tools pays particular attention to the prevention and mitigation of risks associated with EAS/HS.
To achieve efficiency in the implementation of SES activities, the World Bank has adopted a strategy of pooling experts. The GBV risk prevention and mitigation specialist, Ms KABORE, is based at CILSS, but has a mandate to cover ECOWAS/RAAF and CORAF. An action plan for the period 2023-2024 has been drawn up, focusing on the prevention, mitigation and response to the risks of GBV and EAS/HS.
During two days in Lomé, discussions with RAAF staff, including support staff, drivers, technical cleaners, fiduciary staff, management and the Complaints Management Committee, including sensitive complaints, raised awareness of EAS/HS and their implications in the implementation of PRSP activities. Mrs KABORE, assisted by the environmental protection expert, Gaoussou DIARRA, highlighted the importance of staff signing the code of conduct and adopting measures to prevent EAS/HS, including displaying awareness-raising posters and kakemonos.
The discussion sessions also provided an opportunity to see how gender, GBV and EAS/HS issues are considered in the management of office and logistics infrastructure, and to assess the implementation of the EAS/HS action plan within the ECOWAS/RAAF. Capacity building needs were identified to inspire the development of an updated action plan for 2025 and 2026.
The technical support ended with the formulation of recommendations to improve the prevention, mitigation and response to the risks of GBV and EAS/HS within the RAAF. These recommendations aim to strengthen institutional capacity and ensure a safe working environment that respects fundamental human rights for all employees.
These awareness-raising sessions mark an important stage in the commitment of the ARAA and the FSRP project to the prevention of GBV and EAS/HS. By raising staff awareness and implementing concrete actions, RAAF is showing the way towards better integration of social and environmental standards, including EAS/HS, in the West African region.
Le FSRP est une approche programmatique qui vise à accroître la productivité agricole grâce des pratiques climato-intelligentes tout en promouvant les chaînes de valeur agricoles et le commerce intra-régional.
The FSRP is a programmatic approach that aims to increase agricultural productivity through climate-smart practices while promoting agricultural value chains and intra-regional trade.
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